Monday, May 7, 2007

A Spring Day

I woke up Saturday morning to the sound of a white-throated sparrow singing her poor Sam peabody call outside my window: A light breeze brought me the fragrant smell of the hyacinths. Ahhh, Spring! I was brought out of my reverie by the sharp rat-a-tat-tat sound of a blue jay pecking at some food in the gutter outside the window. Every morning these very smart and industrious blue jays line up to eat our outside cat's dry food. Three jays stand guard in various positions and watch for Butchie. If he is not around, they take turns rotating down to his dish to eat his kitty crunchies! When he arrives, their raucous calls can be heard throughout the neighborhood:

All this in just 5 minutes and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet! Nature is so wonderful and plays such an integral part not only in the grand scheme of life but in those small moments in an individual's day. Hence the topic of my blog - the environment. My family laughingly and fondly calls me a "tree hugger" because of my commitment to several local environmental non-profits. Well now I'm going to try to expand that commitment both in my own habits and by writing in this blog. Look for more later! Keep it green!


GoinGreen said...

omg. Wow. This is very interesting and yet, it somehow makes me laugh.

Keep it green!


Claire S said...

I never knew, Carol. I thought you were just a "people hugger"! I look forward to more of your nature musings.