Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Shopping with my new Envirosax

I did my grocery shopping over the weekend and brought along my new Envirosax bags. I really stuffed them just to see how much they would hold and if the could withstand the weight. The really worked great. I also purchased 3 recycled bags from Stop and Shop. They have a flat bottom and also fold up, though not as small. I marked one of them meat and will use that one for my meat purchases each week. The clerk went to put my eggs in a separate plastic bag and I explained my boycott on plastic, so the eggs went in with the meat. I ended up needing only one paper bag to finish my shopping!


Hey Jude! said...

I've been considering doing this. I'm just curious, can you use any bags of your own, or just those that you purchased?

Moonlight writer said...

If we could only get about 4 billion people to be more like you and I, actually working to be more eco-friendly, then we will save ourselves from, ourselves. I've converted most of my lights to fluorescent, recycle with gusto, and try and drive less. My blog is, The Constant Writer. Feel free to check it out. Thanks.