Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Finish Line!

Wow! I've completed the 23 things of Library 2.0! It was a blast! The most fun exercise was probably the image generators. The most useful...probably the RSS feeds. I also liked the Zoho Writer...great to know about if you need to compose a quick document out on the web.

It was a great ride and I definitely learned a lot about Web 2.0 tools. I can certainly see some ways that these exercises could be incorporated into the Library. Am I ready for another 23? Sure!...just give my a little bit to absorb it all!

Keep it Green!


I checked out the library's newest downloadable database, SuffolkWave. One can download not only books but audio and video! I found The Google Story which seems like an apropos read (or listen!) since Google is one of the biggest companies behind all this technology I've been discovering with Library 2.0.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Green Day Video on the Environment

In exploring YouTube I came across this Green Day video on the environment:

Web 2.0 Tools

I was amazed at the number of Web 2.0 tools highlighted at the following web site: I, of course, looked for something ecology minded and did indeed find I used their carbon footprint calculator and was dismayed to see I'm higher than average in my use of c20 emissions! They encourage you to give to their causes to offset your carbon footprint. I don't know enough about their organization to give them a nay or yea. I have my own set of environmental organizations that I give to that hopefully offset my carbon footprint. The site does have some interesting articles and links about everything green it's worth a look.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lightning Struck Trees

Unfortunately the trees that I blogged about earlier that were struck by lightning have died or are dying.  I thought maybe the bigger ones might survive because we have had enough rain and not a lot of really hot days.  But alas it doesn't look like that will be the case.  The cycle of nature will continue, however, and these trees will provide food for insects and the insects will provide food for the birds; particularly the woodpeckers as the trees start to decompose.


We have several different type of woodpeckers who visit our feeders for suet.  They are such beautiful birds and ever so wary; particularly the red-headed Flickers.  When I hear the rattatattat of these woodpeckers it amazes me that something so small can make such a loud noise...particularly in the morning!


I'm publishing this post from a web-based word processor program called Zoho Writer.  Pretty cool!



Wikis can definitely be useful tools. After playing with PBWiki, however, i found it to be a little outdated, kind of hard to navigate and not in keeping with Web 2.0.

Just for fun, my kids and I created a wiki on wikihow -- how to build a finger church. So we've expanded the knowledge base of the world with this enlightning information! Here's the link:

Web 2.0 & Library 2.0

I'm having so much fun adding all these Web and Library 2.0 features to my blog. I think not only libraryland but most business have been and will be effected by the web. One must catch the wave and keep current with technology and the web in order to keep the library a valuable benefit for the community.